
Issue 1204

Award-winning business intelligence, payment card statistics, industry news, and dozens of executive contacts in every issue. Subscribers receive 22 issues a year.
September 2021
Featured Chart

Top 7 Acquirers in Latin America 2020 vs. 2019

The seven largest acquirers processed 18.44 billion in Visa and Mastercard transactions in 2020, accounting for 73% of transactions processed by the 45 acquirers listed on page 5.

Featured Companies

Message from the Publisher

September marks 51 years of continuous operation of the Nilson Report.
It is also the month in which we celebrate the birthday of our founder,
Spencer Nilson, who turned 101 years old on the 5th. The payment industry
has changed substantially since the first issue of the Nilson Report.
Accompanying that ongoing story is the fact that, as I write this, the founder
of merchant processor Shift4 Payments is orbiting the Earth in a capsule
built by a former CEO of PayPal.

David Robertson, Publisher
September 16, 2021



Top 7 Acquirers in Latin America—2020 vs. 2019

Top 10 General Purpose Card Acquirers in Latin America

Top 45 Visa and Mastercard Merchant Acquirers in Latin America

Top 25 U.S. Issuers of Prepaid Cards—Ranked by Purchase Volume

Store Credit Card Spending in the U.S. 1992–2020

U.S. Store Credit Cards—2020 with change vs. 2019

Top 10 Issuers of Visa and Mastercard Credit Cards in the U.S. at Midyear 2021

Top 100 U.S. Visa and Mastercard Credit Card Issuers—Purchase Volume and Total Volume Midyear 2021

Top 100 U.S. Visa and Mastercard Credit Card Issuers—Outstandings and Cards Midyear 2021

Top Issuers of General Purpose Credit Cards in the U.S.—Ranked by Purchase Volume and Outstandings

Publicly Trade Companies in Payments


Top Issuers of General Purpose Credit Cards in the U.S.—Ranked by Purchase Volume and Outstandings

On page 14 we rank the 12 largest U.S. credit card issuers at midyear 2021 based on purchase volume and outstanding receivables. The five largest based on purchase volume are listed below.

1. Chase
$432.27 billion purchase volume, +24.3%
2. American Express
$397.35 billion purchase volume, +20.7%
3. Citi
$219.70 billion purchase volume, +18.6%
4. Capital One
$204.62 billion purchase volume, +27.8%
5. Bank of America
$190.12 billion purchase volume, +17.7%

Full access to the Top Issuers of General Purpose Credit Cards in the U.S.—Ranked by Purchase Volume and Outstandings is available when you subscribe to the Nilson Report.

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