
Issue 1207

Award-winning business intelligence, payment card statistics, industry news, and dozens of executive contacts in every issue. Subscribers receive 22 issues a year.
October 2021
Featured Chart

U.S. Payment Cards Projected

Consumer and commercial credit, debit and prepaid general purpose and private label cards are projected to generate $12.862 trillion in purchase volume for goods and services in 2025, up 61.3% from 2020.

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David Robertson, Publisher
October 31, 2021



U.S. Payment Cards Projected—2020 vs. 2025

U.S. Payment Cards Projected—Purchase Volume

U.S. Payment Cards Projected—Purchase Transactions

U.S. Payment Cards Projected—Total Volume

U.S. Payment Cards Projected—Total Transactions

U.S. Payment Cards Projected—Outstandings

U.S. Payment Cards Projected—Cardholders

U.S. Payment Cards Projected—Cards

Commercial Bank Credit Cards in Canada—Mastercard and Visa

Commercial Bank Credit Cards in Canada—Cards by Product

POS Terminal Manufacturers—Other POS Devices Shipped in 2020

Investments & Acquisitions—September 2021


Commercial Bank Credit Cards in Canada
The 18 largest issuers of Visa and Mastercard brand commercial card products generated $37+ billion in purchase volume in 2020. The five largest are ranked below based on their combined small business, corporate and purchasing card purchase volume.

1. RBC Royal Bank
$17.82 billion purchase volume
2. TD Bank
$11.99 billion purchase volume
3. BMO
$7.44 billion purchase volume
4. Scotiabank
$5.65 billion purchase volume
5. Desjardins
$5.41 billion purchase volume

Full access to the Commercial Bank Credit Cards—Mastercard and Visa results in Canada is available when you subscribe to the Nilson Report.

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