
Issue 1212

Award-winning business intelligence, payment card statistics, industry news, and dozens of executive contacts in every issue. Subscribers receive 22 issues a year.
January 2022
Featured Chart

Credit Cards in the U.S.

Over the last 20 years, outstanding receivables generated by general purpose credit cardshave grown 50.8% from $618.80 billion to $932.85 billion. Concurrently, purchase volume, spending for goods and services by those cards, has grown from $1.124 trillion to $4.564 trillion, an increase of 306%.

Featured Companies

Message from the Publisher

A subscription to the Nilson Report provides the best view of the card payment
industry worldwide. In the 16 pages of this issue, we feature or provide data on 260 companies from 49 countries. Review our article “Investments in Merchant
Processing and Acquiring,” then review “Publicly Traded Companies.” In both
articles you will see that we provide complete and comprehensive coverage of
important developments in this industry.

David Robertson, Publisher
January 31, 2022



Credit Cards in the U.S.—Outstandings and Purchase Volume 1991-2026

Market Shares of U.S. Credit Card Outstandings in 2021

Investments in Merchant Acquiring/Processing by Region

Top M&A Transactions in 2021

American Express Cards 2021 vs. 2020

Discover Card 2021 vs. 2020

Income at Top U.S. Credit Card Issuers in 2021

Publicly Traded Companies in Payments


Income at Top U.S. Credit Card Issuers in 2021
The nine most profitable credit card issuers in the U.S. are featured on page 12 of issue 1212. Collectively, these companies had card pretax net income of $60.22 billion in 2021, up 147.9%. The four most profitable are shown below.

1. American Express
$11.70 billion
2. Capital One
$9.60 billion
3. Bank of America
$8.38 billion
4. Discover
$7.06 billion

Full access to the Income at Top U.S. Credit Card Issuers in 2021 results is available when you subscribe to the Nilson Report.

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