
Issue 1216

Award-winning business intelligence, payment card statistics, industry news, and dozens of executive contacts in every issue. Subscribers receive 22 issues a year.
March 2022
Featured Article

Microsoft Partners with Chargebacks911

Microsoft, like other major online retailers, has been a target for criminals’ intent on committing fraud since the beginning of ecommerce. About 10 years ago, when criminals started to deploy more sophisticated tactics, Microsoft began developing technology in-house to fight losses it incurred when selling digital and physical products. Two years ago, Microsoft decided to market its fraud-fighting technology to financial institutions and merchant acquirers under the name Dynamics 365 Fraud Protection Solution.
Featured Chart

Canada Card Networks and Issuers—Purchase Transactions

The general purpose brand cards issued in Canada generated 13.81 billion transactions last year for purchases of goods and services, up 11.2% from 2020.

Featured Companies

Message from the Publisher

We are regularly asked how much it costs to be featured in the Nilson Report. Our standard reply is… “Nothing.” We simply do not accept payment for ads of any kind at our website or in these pages. In 51 years of business, we have never published articles that other publications refer to as advertorials or sponsored content. Our revenue comes exclusively from subscribers. We prefer it that way. It makes it easier for us to select unbiased content for professionals who pay us an annual fee to receive the highest quality market intelligence. You can trust that we will never change our policy.

David Robertson, Publisher
March 31, 2022



Canada Card Networks and Issuers—Purchase Transactions

Canada Market Shares of Visa and Mastercard Outstandings at Year-End 2021

Canada Spending, Transactions and Card by Brand

Largest Credit Card Issuers in Canada—Ranked by Outstandings

Merchant Processing Fees in the U.S as a Percent of Card Sales

Fees Paid by Merchants in the U.S. with Purchase Volume

U.S. Consumer ACH Transactions—2021

Publicly Traded Companies in Payments


Consumer ACH Payments in the U.S.

Last year, consumers initiated 14.89 billion direct ACH transactions valued at $9.093 trillion. The largest four categories, ranked by number of transactions, are listed below.

1. Internet, 8,715.5 million transactions
Value: $4,578.30 billion
2. Recurring Bills, 4,431.6 million transactions
Value: $3,919.30 billion
3. Lockbox, 690.8 million transactions
Value: $251.40 billion
4. Telephone, 673.6 million transactions
Value: $306.50 billion

Full access to the Consumer ACH Payments in the U.S. table is available when you subscribe to the Nilson Report.

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