
Issue 1218

Award-winning business intelligence, payment card statistics, industry news, and dozens of executive contacts in every issue. Subscribers receive 22 issues a year.
May 2022
Featured Chart

Top U.S. Debit Card Issuers—Purchase Volume in 2021

Purchase volume generated by the nine largest issuers of Visa and Mastercard debit and prepaid cards in the U.S. totaled $1.893 trillion in 2021, up 18.5% over $1.598 trillion in 2020.

Featured Companies

Message from the Publisher

Turn to pages 14 and 15 and you will see that our monthly listing of publicly traded companies in the payment industry, a feature we began a year ago, now requires almost two full pages. The number of stock exchanges on which shares are listed has grown to 20 worldwide. The total number of companies presented has reached 115. This feature indicates the vibrancy of the payment industry.

David Robertson, Publisher
May 3, 2022



Top U.S. Debit Card Issuers—Ranked by Purchase Volume in 2021

Top U.S. Debit Card Issuers–Purchase Transactions 2011-2021

Top 50 Debit Card Issuers in the U.S.

Top 50 Debit Card Issuers in the U.S.–Purchase Volume per Card

Market Shares of Debit Products Among Top 50 U.S. Issuers

Publicly Traded Companies in Payments


Top 50 Debit Card Issuers in the U.S.–Purchase Volume per Card

The 50 largest Visa and Mastercard debit card issuers are ranked in this issue based on purchase volume. The five largest issuers based on the annual spending per card they issue are shown here along with the average amount.

Arvest Bank
$14,592 purchase volume per card
FirstBank (Colo.)
$14,536 purchase volume per card
Golden 1 CU
$14,362 purchase volume per card
Prosperity Bank
$13,118 purchase volume per card
Regions Bank
$12,885 purchase volume per card

Full access to the Top 50 Debit Card Issuers in the U.S., Purchase Volume per Card, is available when you subscribe to the Nilson Report.

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