
Issue 1226

Award-winning business intelligence, payment card statistics, industry news, and dozens of executive contacts in every issue. Subscribers receive 22 issues a year.
September 2022
Featured Article

Adyen Launches Android POS Devices

Amsterdam-based Adyen, Europe’s seventh largest merchant acquirer, will soon begin marketing two mobile point-of-sale devices. Both were designed in-house and operate on the Adyen platform. 
Featured Chart

Results for US Card Networks at Midyear–2022

American Express, Discover, Mastercard and Visa credit, debit and prepaid cards generated 67.57 billion transactions for purchases of goods and services.

Featured Companies

Message from the Publisher

This month we launched the 14th edition of our annual publication, “The World’s Largest Card Issuers and Merchant Acquirers.” As a subscriber, you’ve already received most of the data included in its 152 pages… but not all. This publication includes several hundred additional card issuers and merchant acquirers not found in the pages of the newsletter.

David Robertson, Publisher
September 15, 2022



Results for US Card Networks at Midyear–2022

US General Purpose Cards Midyear with change vs. 2021

US General Purpose Cards at Midyear Purchase Volume—Credit vs. Debit

Market Shares of Purchase Transactions at Midyear

Spending, Transactions and Cards by Global Brand in Middle East and Africa

Market Shares of Purchase Transactions in Middle East and Africa—2001 through 2021

Store Card Spending in the US—Purchase Volume and Market Share

US Store Credit Cards 2021 with change vs. 2020

Investments & Acquisitions—August 2022

Publicly Traded Companies in Payments


Spending, Transactions and Cards by Global Brand in Middle East and Africa

Global brand general purpose cards—Visa, Mastercard, American Express and Discover/Diners Club cards–generated $768.39 trillion in purchase volume in 2021, up 39.7% over 2020.

$405.16 billion in purchase volume
$342.26 billion in purchase volume
American Express
$13.67 billion in purchase volume
Diners Club
$7.30 billion in purchase volume

Full access to the Spending, Transactions and Cards by Global Brand results in Middle East and Africa is available when you subscribe to the Nilson Report.

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