
Issue 1228

Award-winning business intelligence, payment card statistics, industry news, and dozens of executive contacts in every issue. Subscribers receive 22 issues a year.
October 2022
Featured Article

Visa Tokens and Cards

Virtual numbers (tokens) are used as a substitute for a cardholder’s primary account number (PAN) in payment wallets (in phones and watches) and when stored at a merchant’s data center (to handle recurring purchases) as well as in nonpayment applications to replace personally identifiable information (PII). 
Featured Chart

POS Terminals Worldwide—2021

Among the six world regions, Asia–Pacific had the largest share of shipments (60.2%) followed by Latin America (18.5%) and Europe (9.3%). Among the 49 largest manufacturers, Worldline/Ingenico shipped the most terminals, followed by Pax, Newland and Tianyu.

Featured Companies

Message from the Publisher

We’ve published 18 issues so far this year, and this one marks the 6th time that we’ve included extra pages of content. Our efforts are always geared toward delivering more than is promised—something we know we have in common with our subscribers. This dynamic industry is more interesting 50+ years after its inception than it has ever been.

David Robertson, Publisher
October 18, 2022



POS Terminals Worldwide—Market Shares of Top Regions in 2021

Worldwide Terminal Shipments by Type of Device with Market Shares

POS Terminal Manufacturers’ Market Shares—2021 vs. 2020

Worldwide Manufacturers of POS Terminals Shipped in 2021—by Region

Asia–Pacific’s 5 Largest Merchant Acquirers—Ranked by Visa and Mastercard Transactions in 2021

Top 10 Acquirers of General Purpose Cards in Asia–Pacific 2021

Asia–Pacific’s 36 Largest Merchant Acquirers

10 Largest Transactions of M&A Activity in Merchant Processing and Acquiring MY 2022

M&A Activity in Merchant Processing and Acquiring Mid Year 2022—by Region

Investments & Acquisitions—September 2022

Publicly Traded Companies in Payments


Asia–Pacific’s 36 Largest Merchant Acquirers

The 36 largest acquirers of card payments from 39.7 million merchant outlets in the Asia–Pacific region are ranked on page 9. Collectively, this group processed 46.18 billion transactions. The five largest are listed here.

1. China UMS, China
12.64 billion transactions
2. BC Card, South Korea
5.70 billion transactions
3. KB Kookmin, South Korea
3.54 billion transactions
4. JCB, Japan
3.28 billion transactions
5. Commonwealth Bank, Australia
2.13 billion transactions

Full access to the 36 Largest Merchant Acquirers in the Asia–Pacific region is available when you subscribe to the Nilson Report.

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