
Issue 1230

Award-winning business intelligence, payment card statistics, industry news, and dozens of executive contacts in every issue. Subscribers receive 22 issues a year.
November 2022
Featured Article

Zettle Terminal from PayPal

PayPal has offered Zettle point-of-sale processing software and a card reader device to small merchants in the US since June 2021. Last month, the company expanded its offering to include an all-in-one handheld POS terminal supported by additional value-added services.
Featured Chart

US Payment Cards Projected

Consumer and commercial credit, debit and prepaid general purpose and private label cards combined generated $9.773 trillion in purchase volume for goods and services in 2021, up 22.5% from 2020. It is expected to reach $14.075 trillion in 2026.

Featured Companies

Message from the Publisher

Next week, citizens of the US will celebrate Thanksgiving, a national holiday conceived to share gratitude with friends and family for the goodness in life. Thanksgiving unites nearly everyone in what is a disturbingly divided country. This year, we will celebrate even though we acknowledge war in Ukraine, drought and famine in Africa fueled by climate change, desperate migrants in Latin America and environmental disasters in parts of Asia. To experience gratefulness and celebrate goodness amidst chaos is a particularly human trait. We are thankful to our subscribers for supporting the work we do.

David Robertson, Publisher
November 17, 2022



US Payment Cards Projected through 2026

US Payment Cards Projected—Purchase Transactions

US Payment Cards Purchase Volume—2021 vs. 2026

US Payment Cards Projected—Purchase Volume

US Payment Cards Projected—Cards

US Payment Cards Projected—Outstandings

US Payment Cards Projected—Cardholders

US Payment Cards Projected—Total Transactions

US Payment Cards Projected—Total Volume

US Outstandings in 2021

Top 50 General Purpose Card Issuers in Asia–Pacific

Top 50 Credit Card Issuers in Asia–Pacific

Top 50 Debit Card Issuers in Asia–Pacific

Publicly Traded Companies in Payments


Top 50 General Purpose Card Issuers in Asia-Pacific

The top 50 issuers of UnionPay, Visa, Mastercard, JCB, American Express, Diners Club and domestic-only credit cards in the Asia-Pacific region are ranked. The five largest Visa and Mastercard credit card issuers are listed here by purchase volume.

1. Sumitomo Mitsui Card, Japan
$153.40 billion purchase volume
2. China Construction Bank, China
$123.13 billion purchase volume
3. Mitsubishi UFJ Nicos, Japan
$101.95 billion purchase volume
4. Bank of Communications, China
$92.33 billion purchase volume
5. Westpac Banking, Australia
$91.57 billion purchase volume

Full access to the Largest Merchant Acquirers Worldwide results is available when you subscribe to the Nilson Report.

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