
Issue 1234

Award-winning business intelligence, payment card statistics, industry news, and dozens of executive contacts in every issue. Subscribers receive 22 issues a year.
January 2023
Featured Article

Amex Acquires Nipendo for B2B Accounts Receivable Payments

Commercial payments account for 45% of total billed business at American Express, and more than 70% of those payments are business to business (B2B)—mostly driven by small businesses.
Featured Chart

Payment Cards in Circulation—Projected through 2027 in Billions

Credit, debit and prepaid general purpose and private label payment cards in circulation worldwide are projected to reach 28.44 billion by December 31, 2027.

Featured Companies

Message from the Publisher

Our newsletter is a subscription-based business. You, our readers, pay for our content, the salaries of our hardworking design and editorial staff, and our peerless research team. There are no outside advertisers in the Nilson Report, and there never will be.

Because our readers are our sole source of revenue, we ask that you respect our business model and treat a single subscription as just that—authorization to use our content by one person. We have many cost-saving options for businesses that need more than one subscription. If you find yourself in that position, please contact our Subscription Director.

David Robertson, Publisher
January 31, 2023



Payment Cards in Circulation—Projected through 2027 in Billions

Payment Cards in Circulation—Market Shares in 2022

Top Investment Transactions in Merchant Acquiring and Processing in 2022

Investments in Merchant Acquiring and Processing in 2022 by Region

Discover Card 2022 vs. 2021

Mastercard & Visa Worldwide through 3Q 2022

Investments & Acquisitions—December 2022

Publicly Traded Companies in Payments


Mastercard & Visa Worldwide through 3Q 2022

Credit, debit and prepaid cards in circulation worldwide with Mastercard and Visa brands generated $13.486 trillion in purchase volume in the first nine months of 2022. Cards issued outside the US accounted for 55% of that total.

Visa (outside the US)
$4.338 trillion purchase volume
Visa (US)
$4.306 trillion purchase volume
Mastercard (outside US)
$3.040 trillion purchase volume
Mastercard (US)
$1.802 trillion purchase volume

Full access to the Mastercard & Visa results Worldwide through 3Q 2022 and change vs. through 3Q 2021 is available when you subscribe to the Nilson Report.

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