
Issue 1240

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May 2023
Featured Article Adds Card Issuing for Large Businesses

In its pilot phase alone, which lasted 12 months,’s partners issued more than a million virtual and physical cards.
Featured Chart

Top US Debit Card Issuers—Rankings (2015-2022) and Purchase Volume in 2022

Purchase volume generated by the eight largest issuers of Mastercard and Visa debit and prepaid cards in the US totaled $1.877 trillion in 2022, up 3.8%.

Message from the Publisher

Evan Gershkovich of the Wall Street Journal has been imprisoned by Russia’s government. Gershkovich, a fully credentialed journalist, was arrested for doing his job—reporting on life in Russia as that country moves steadily into autocracy. Democratic societies thrive only when a free press is able to publish stories about the powerful interests in any country. Join us in demanding Evan’s release. Publicize his imprisonment by posting about it on social media in your country. And you can write him a message of support. Send email to: freegershkovich@ Your message will be translated into Russian as is required by law before being reviewed by censors.

David Robertson, Publisher
May 1, 2023



Top US Debit Card Issuers—Rankings (2015-2022) and Purchase Volume in 2022
Purchase Volume Market Shares of Debit Products Among Top 50 Issuers
Top 50 Debit Card Issuers in the US—Ranked by Purchase Volume in 2022
History of Top 50 Debit Card Issuers
Publicly Traded Companies in Payments


Top 50 Debit Card Issuers in the US—Ranked by Purchase Volume in 2022

Purchase volume on prepaid cards from the 50 largest US issuers was $182.03 billion in 2022, a decline of 23% versus the top 50 issuers in 2021.

1. The Bancorp
$56.81 billion purchase volume, +3.6%
2. Pathward
$39.05 billion purchase volume, -24.4%
3. Green Dot
$26.69 billion purchase volume, -20.9%
4. Comerica
$23.57 billion purchase volume, -20.8%
5. UMB
$10.01 billion purchase volume, +100.1%
Full access to the Top 50 Debit Card Issuers in the US—Ranked by Purchase Volume in 2022 results is available when you subscribe to the Nilson Report.

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