
Issue 1244

Award-winning business intelligence, payment card statistics, industry news, and dozens of executive contacts in every issue. Subscribers receive 22 issues a year.
June 2023
Featured Article

J.P. Morgan’s Payments Partner Network

Existing bank customers will gain access to PPN without needing any new implementation.
Featured Chart

Purchase Volume on US General Purpose Cards 2016-2022

Consumer, small business and commercial credit, debit and prepaid general purpose card products issued in the United States generated $10.263 trillion in purchase volume at merchants in 2022, an increase of 12.2% over 2021.

Featured Companies

Message from the Publisher

Across 18 pages, this issue brings you 9 feature articles, rankings from our proprietary surveys of the 43 largest merchant acquirers in the Middle East and Africa region and the 17 largest commercial credit card issuers in Can-ada, contact details of 12 executives in our Management Changes section, 27 brief news items in First Look (with executive contact details), our monthly presentation of 130 publicly traded companies connected to the payment card industry, and 1,700 data points in our annual presentation of US Card Spending at Merchants. We are proud to share it with you.

David Robertson, Publisher
June 29, 2023



Middle East and Africa’s 8 Largest Acquirers in 2022-Ranked by Purchase Transactions in 2022

10 Largest Acquirers in Middle East and Africa

Largest Merchant Acquirers in the Middle East and Africa-Ranked by Master-card and Visa Transactions

Canada’s Mastercard and Visa Commercial Credit Cards

Canada’s Corporate Cards

Canada’s Small Business Credit Cards

Canada’s Purchasing and Fleet Cards

Purchase Volume on US General Purpose Cards 2016-2022

US Purchase Volume at Merchants in 2022

Publicly Traded Companies in Payments


Canada’s Mastercard and Visa Commercial Credit Cards

Canada’s 17 largest issuers of Mastercard and Visa brand small business credit cards, corporate cards (T&E) and purchasing & fleet cards are ranked on page 8. Collectively, commercial cards from these issuers generated $90.54 billion s(USD) in purchase volume in 2022. The five largest issuers are presented here:

1. RBC Royal Bank
$27.59 billion purchase volume

2. TD Bank 
$17.49 billion purchase volume

3. BMO 
$10.50 billion purchase volume

4. Scotiabank
$8.58 billion purchase volume

5. Desjardins
$7.77 billion purchase volume

Full access to the Mastercard and Visa Commercial Credit Cards results in Canada is available when you subscribe to the Nilson Report.

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