
Issue 1251

Award-winning business intelligence, payment card statistics, industry news, and dozens of executive contacts in every issue. Subscribers receive 22 issues a year.
October 2023
Featured Article

Trulioo Global ID Verification

More than 5 billion people and 300 million business are within reach of the Trulioo platform. The company’s global reach and depth of data grow with the addition of an average of 10 new data sources every quarter.
Featured Chart

Largest Credit Card Portfolios Worldwide — 2022

Featured Companies

Message from the Publisher

We do not kid ourselves that you subscribe to the Nilson Report for the quality of our design or our graphics. You’re in it for the quality of our data and articles as well as the contacts we provide. However, the total quality of our publication matters to us. It reflects our regard for excellence in all that we do. To that end, once again we are pleased to tell you that our peers in the publishing industry have given the Nilson Report top honors—the 2023 Eddie Award for the Best B2B Newsletter.

David Robertson, Publisher
October 31, 2023



Top Credit Card Countries Ranked by Market Shares of Outstandings

Shares of Outstandings by Region 2012-2022

Largest Credit Card Portfolios Worldwide at Year-End 2022

150 Largest Credit Card Portfolios Worldwide Ranked by Outstandings Receivables

Other POS Devices Shipped in 2022

Shipments of Payment Card by Manufacturer—2022


Shipments of Payment Cards by Manufacturer—2022

The largest payment card manufactures worldwide are ranked. Collectively, they shipped 4.48 billion credit, debit and prepaid cards last year. The five largest are listed here.

1. Thales, France

971.0 million total shipments

2. Idemia, France

711.0 million total shipments

3. G+D, Germany

473.0 million total shipments

4. CPI Card Group, US

441.6 million total shipments

5. Perfect Plastic Printing, US

235.2 million total shipments

Full access to the Shipments of Payment Cards by Manufacturer 2012 results is available when you subscribe to the Nilson Report.

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