
Issue 1252

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November 2023
Featured Article

Marqeta BNPL Partnerships

The ability to provide virtual card payments for BNPL transactions has opened a new opportunity for card account processors. Increasingly, online and in-store retailers feel compelled to provide their customers with real-time credit decisioning so they can deliver instant approval for a BNPL transaction at the time of purchase, even when they’ve had no prior relationship with the consumer.
Featured Chart

US Credit, Debit and Prepaid Data Projected through 2027

Consumer and commercial credit, debit and prepaid general purpose and private label cards generated $10.967 trillion in purchase volume for goods and services in 2022, up 12.2% from 2021. Purchase volume is projected to total $15.035 trillion in 2027.

Featured Companies

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The Nilson Report takes editorial independence very seriously. We are just as serious about maintaining our copyright: Every reader of the Nilson Report must purchase a copy of it. Ours is not a free publication supported by advertising. Therefore, this issue cannot be forwarded or otherwise shared with colleagues. We recognize though, that businesses want to share information. To that end, when the Nilson Report features a company, they may always request a reprint that they can share with clients or online, via social media. If that is the case with your company, do reach out. We are happy to oblige.

David Robertson, Publisher
November 20, 2023



US Credit, Debit and Prepaid Data Projected through 2027: Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Domestic Debit, Private Label Prepaid, Store Cards, Discover

US Credit Card Purchase Volume 2022 vs. 2027: Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Store, Discover

US Debit Purchase Volume 2022 vs. 2027: Visa, Mastercard, Domestic Debit, Prepaid

US Purchase Transactions 2017 vs. 2022 vs. 2027: Visa Credit, Mastercard Credit, American Express, Discover, Store, Oil Company, The Rest, Credit Card Totals, Visa Debit & Prepaid, Mastercard Debit & Prepaid, Domestic Debit, Private Label Prepaid, ACH Retailer Debit, Debit Card Totals, Credit & Debit Totals

US Purchase Volume 2017 vs. 2022 vs. 2027: Visa Credit, Mastercard Credit, American Express, Discover, Store, Oil Company, The Rest, Credit Card Totals, Visa Debit & Prepaid, Mastercard Debit & Prepaid, Domestic Debit, Private Label Prepaid, ACH Retailer Debit, Debit Card Totals, Credit & Debit Totals

US Total Transactions 2022 vs. 2027: Visa Credit, Mastercard Credit, American Express, Discover, Store, Oil Company, The Rest, Credit Card Totals, Visa Debit & Prepaid, Mastercard Debit & Prepaid, Domestic Debit, Private Label Prepaid, ACH Retailer Debit, Debit Card Totals, Credit & Debit Totals

US Total Volume 2022 vs. 2027: Visa Credit, Mastercard Credit, American Express, Discover, Store, Oil Company, The Rest, Credit Card Totals, Visa Debit & Prepaid, Mastercard Debit & Prepaid, Domestic Debit, Private Label Prepaid, ACH Retailer Debit, Debit Card Totals, Credit & Debit Totals

US Credit Card Outstandings 2013 through 2022: Visa, Mastercard, Store, American Express, Discover, The Rest,

US Outstandings 2022 vs. 2027: Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Discover, Store, Oil Company, The Rest, Credit Card Totals

US Cards 2022 vs. 2027: Visa Credit, Mastercard Credit, American Express, Discover, Store, Oil Company, The Rest, Credit Card Totals, Visa Debit & Prepaid, Mastercard Debit & Prepaid, Domestic Debit, Private Label Prepaid, ACH Retailer Debit, Debit Card Totals, Credit & Debit Totals

US Cardholders 2022 vs. 2027: Visa Credit, Mastercard Credit, American Express, Discover, Store, Oil Company, The Rest, Credit Card Totals, Visa Debit & Prepaid, Mastercard Debit & Prepaid, Domestic Debit, ACH Retailer Debit, Debit Card Totals

Latin America’s Top 8 Visa and Mastercard Issuers Ranked by Combined Credit and Debit CardPurchase Volume

50 Largest General Purpose Card Issuers in Latin America

50 Largest Credit Card Issuers in Latin America

50 Largest Debit Card Issuers in Latin America

Worldwide Global Brand General Purpose Card Results Midyear 2023 with Change vs Midyear 2022

Card Manufacturers 2022—Part 2

Investments & Acquisitions—October 2023

Publicly Traded Companies in Payments


Worldwide Global Brand General Purpose Card Results Midyear 2023 with Change vs Midyear 2022

From January 1 through June 30, 2023, Visa, UnionPay, Mastercard, JCB, Discover/Diners Club and American Express brand cards generated $17.791 trillion in purchases of goods and services. The top four card brands in the first six months of 2023 are ranked below.

$7.021 trillion purchase volume

$6.124 trillion purchase volume

$3.546 trillion purchase volume

American Express
$0.817 trillion purchase volume

Full access to Worldwide Global Brand General Purpose Card Results Midyear 2023 with Change vs. Midyear 2022 results is available when you subscribe to the Nilson Report

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