
Issue 1255

Award-winning business intelligence, payment card statistics, industry news, and dozens of executive contacts in every issue. Subscribers receive 22 issues a year.
January 2024
Featured Article

NFC Payment Cards for Two-Factor Authentication

Arculus Authenticate, from CompoSecure, is comprised of an applet, software development kit (SDK) and a back-end authentication server. It works with NFC-enabled metal and plastic cards certified by the global networks.
Featured Chart

Nilson Report Purchase Transactions by Region

Featured Companies

Message from the Publisher

Our latest issue leads us into 2024 with an article that is a first for us—a market capitalization comparison of all publicly traded processors in the payment card industry. This comparison is based on our monthly presentation of the more than 137 publicly traded companies worldwide that earn all or a substantial part of their annual revenues from card industry customers. The processors we feature represent 18 countries and territories and 11 stock exchanges.

David Robertson, Publisher
January 16, 2024



Global Brand Card Purchase Transactions Projected Worldwide—2017 through 2028

Global Brand Market Shares of Purchase Transactions by Region—Five-Year Change in Basis Points 2023 vs. 2028

Global Brand Purchase Transactions Market Shares by Region in 2023

Global Brand Purchase Transactions Worldwide 2023 vs. 2028

Publicly Traded Payment Processors–Market Capitalization Change January 2023 vs December 2023

Top Processors at Year-End 2023 by Market Cap

US General Purpose Cards Jan. 1-Sept. 30, 2023 and Change vs. Jan. 1-Sept. 30, 2022

M&A Acquiring in Merchant Processing and Acquiring—2023 by Region

Mergers and Acquisitions Worldwide—5 Largest Deals in 2023

Investments & Acquisitions—December 2023


Publicly Traded Payment Processors—Market Capitalization Change

We identify 41 card processors whose shares traded on stock exchanges worldwide for the full year of 2023. The 5 largest based on market capitalization at year-end are listed below.

1. Fiserv, US
$81.15 billion

2. PayPal, US
$66.27 billion

3. Block, US
$43.29 billion

4. Adyen, Netherlands
$39.84 billion

5. FIS, US
$35.55 billion

Full access to Publicly Traded Payment Processors—Market Capitalization Change January 2023 vs December 2023 is available when you subscribe to the Nilson Report.

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