
Issue 1259

Award-winning business intelligence, payment card statistics, industry news, and dozens of executive contacts in every issue. Subscribers receive 22 issues a year.
March 2024
Featured Article

VGS Payment Tokenization

When a merchant tokenizes sensitive data, the financial risk associated with a data breach is significantly reduced.
Featured Chart

Canada—Networks and Issuers

The general purpose brand cards issued in Canada generated 16.83 billion transactions last year for purchases of goods and services, up 9.1% from 2022.

Featured Companies

Message from the Publisher

On the last page of every issue we describe the fundamental principles of our business. One of those principles is that no company can pay to be featured in the Nilson Report. We accept no advertising, and we never have. But that does not mean that we do not want to hear from you. If you have a product that would be of interest to our global audience, or if your company is working on innovative payment technologies, write to us at

David Robertson, Publisher
March 15, 2024



Canada—Networks and Issuers, Market Shares and Purchase Transactions

Market Shares of Visa & Mastercard Purchase Volume

Spending, Transactions and Cards by Brand

Credit Card Issuers in Canada—Ranked by Outstandings at Year-End 2023

Merchant Processing Fees Paid by Merchants in the US—2023

BNPL Deals Valued at $100 Million and Above

Investments and Acquisitions Deals by Region—2023

Investments & Acquisitions—February 2023


BNPL Deals—Investments and Acquisitions—2023

There were 26 investment and acquisition transactions in the buy now, pay later (BNPL) industry in 14 countries in 2023. Those deals were valued at $2.68 billion. The top five deals are shown here.

1. Tabby, Saudi Arabia
$700 million

2. Tamara, Saudi Arabia
$340 million

3. Kedivo, Indonesia
$270 million

4. Tabby, Saudi Arabia
$200 million

5. Akulaku, Indonesia
$200 million

Full access to the BNPL Deals—Investments and Acquisitions in 2023 results is available when you subscribe to the Nilson Report.

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