
Issue 1263

Award-winning business intelligence, payment card statistics, industry news, and dozens of executive contacts in every issue. Subscribers receive 22 issues a year.
May 2024
Featured Article

Mastercard’s Scam Protect

Scam Protect’s machine learning and AI are used to identify the signals of a victim who is being defrauded using device intelligence and behavioral biometrics. Those signals could include hesitation while typing on a website or in an app— sometimes because the victim is being coached over the phone by a criminal.
Featured Chart

Largest Issuers of Commercial Cards Ranked by Purchase Volume

Small business credit and debit, prepaid, purchasing, fleet and corporate commercial card products from the 95 largest US issuers generated a combined $1.269 trillion in purchase volume in 2023. The five largest issuers are shown here.

Featured Companies

Message from the Publisher

Message from the Publisher,

For more than 20 years the Nilson Report has published a ranking of the top issuers of commercial card products in the US based on our proprietary survey. This survey involved 93 issuers. Also included here are feature articles about two UK-based companies now doing business in the US—PPro and Tillo—which offer support to enterprise merchants with local payment methods and prepaid cards. Articles enclosed also address threats to the payment industry from A2A scams and quantum computing. As always, legacy products, new products, security concerns and their mitigation are mainstays of our editorial calendar.

David Robertson, Publisher
May 15, 2024



US Commercial Cards—Percent Change and Market Shares in 2023

Largest Issuers of US Commercial Cards—Ranked by Purchase Volume

US Issuers of Commercial Cards—Change in Purchase Volume 2023 vs. 2022

Small Business Commercial Debit Cards — Ranked by Purchase Volume

Market Shares of Debit Purchase Volume on Commercial Cards

Small Business Commercial Debit Cards — Ranked by Purchase Volume

Corporate Cards — Ranked by Purchase Volume

Purchasing and Fleet Cards— Ranked by Purchase Volume

Small Business Credit Cards —Ranked by Purchase Volume

Market Shares of Purchase Volume on Commercial Credit Cards

US Mastercard and Visa Commercial Card Issuers Ranked by Purchase Volume in 2023

Investments & Acquisitions — April 2024


Largest Issuers of Commercial Cards Ranked by Purchase Volume

Small business credit and debit, prepaid, purchasing, fleet and corporate commercial card products from the 95 largest US issuers generated a combined $1.269 trillion in purchase volume in 2023. The five largest issuers are shown here.

JPMorgan Chase, $229.21 billion

Bank of America, $193.00 billion

U.S. Bank, $104.92 billion

Wells Fargo, $104.09 billion

Capital One, $89.87 billion

Full access to the 10 largest issuers of Commercial Cards along with data on Small Business Corporate Cards, Commercial Prepaid Cards,  Purchasing and Fleet Cards and more is available to subscribers of the Nilson Report.

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