
Issue 1264

Award-winning business intelligence, payment card statistics, industry news, and dozens of executive contacts in every issue. Subscribers receive 22 issues a year.
May 2024
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Crédit Agricole and Worldline Merchant JV

France is the largest payment card market in the European Economic Area with purchase volume exceeding $770 billion annually. However, card acceptance and merchant acquiring in France is poised for disruption.
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Global Brand Card Networks

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For 53 years, the Nilson Report has provided the best news and data on the payment card industry. We are proud of the fact that our customer service is equally exceptional. If you or someone on your team has a question about your subscription, our website or back issues, answers are an email away. Contact Lori Fulmer, EVP, Director of Subscriptions—

David Robertson, Publisher
May 30, 2024



Purchase Transactions on Global Brand Card Networks

Purchase Volume by Product on Global Network Cards

Global Network Cards in Circulation with Market Shares

Global Network Cards Worldwide Ranked by Total Volume in 2023 vs. 2022

Global Network Purchase Transactions 2013–2023 — Debit Card Purchase Transactions by Brand for Visa, Mastercard and UnionPay

Credit Card Purchase Transactions by Brand — Visa, Mastercard, UnionPay and the Rest

Global Debit & Prepaid Cards in 2023 vs 2022

Global Credit Cards in 2023 vs 2022


Global Network Cards Worldwide in 2023

The number of credit, debit and prepaid cards in circulation carrying one of the global brands—Visa, Mastercard, UnionPay, American Express, JCB and Diners Club/Discover— reached 17.45 billion at the end of 2023. The five largest global brands are ranked here:

  1. UnionPay……..9.74 billion
  2. Visa……………4.40 billion
  3. Mastercard….. 2.95 billion
  4. JCB……………0.16 billion
  5. Amex………… 0.14 billion


Full access to the chart featuring Global Network Cards Worldwide in 2023 is available when you subscribe to The Nilson Report.


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