
Mentioned Companies:

733Park in the Nilson Report

733 PARK provides buy-side and sell-side merger and acquisition advisory services to ISOs, processors, crypto and fintech companies that want to make enterprise-level acquisitions or exit their business. The company has 20 years of experience. Lane Gordon is Managing Director,,

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February 2022
Headlines in this Issue
Charts in this Issue

U.S. General Purpose Brands—Purchase Volume

U.S. General Purpose Cards—2021 with change vs. 2020

Market Shares of Purchase Volume on General Purpose Cards in the U.S.—2021

U.S. Credit Card Outstandings

General Purpose Credit Cards in the U.S.—2021 with change vs. 2020

Purchase Volume on Mastercard and Visa Credit and Debit Cards in the U.S.

Mastercard and Visa Cards in Circulation in the U.S.—2011 through 2021

Mastercard and Visa Credit, Debit & Prepaid Cards in the U.S.

Mastercard and Visa Debit and Prepaid Cards in the U.S.

Payment Industry Investments—2021

Investments & Acquisitions—January 2022