
Mentioned Companies:

ACH Payments in the US

The monetary value of commercial, government and consumer payments handled by the two automated clearing house networks in the US—the Federal Reserve’s FedACH service and the Electronic Payments Network (EPN) business of The Clearing House Payments Company—totaled $76.700 trillion in 2022. Payment transactions reached 30.00 billion. Financial institutions process “on-us” transactions when they own both the deposit account of the payer and the recipient. On-us transactions would add between 14% and 16% to the monetary value and payment transaction figures for FedACH and EPN cited abo...

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March 2023
Headlines in this Issue
Charts in this Issue

Top US Merchant Acquirers—Ranked by Transactions in 2022

Mastercard/Visa Share of Purchase Volume at Top US Acquirers

Top 20 US Merchants—Ranked by Purchase Volume

Top 20 US Merchants—Ranked by Purchase Transactions

Largest Merchant Acquirers in the US—Ranked by Mastercard/Visa Volume

Top US Card-Not-Present (CNP) Acquiring

Consumer ACH Transactions–2022

Publicly Traded Companies in Payments