
Mentioned Companies:

Visa, Mastercard Class Damages Settlement Upheld

An appellate court in Manhattan decided this month that a 2019 settlement agreement to partially resolve an antitrust class-action suit originally filed in June 2005 by merchants against Visa, Mastercard and large US banks will remain in place. This is the second appellate court decision regarding that settlement. The same Second Circuit court reversed a 2016 settlement and instructed the district court to divide the class into two separate classes, with separate counsels, for damages and injunctive relief. The classes then followed their own timelines. This month’s order approves the damage...

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March 2023
Headlines in this Issue
Charts in this Issue

Top US Merchant Acquirers—Ranked by Transactions in 2022

Mastercard/Visa Share of Purchase Volume at Top US Acquirers

Top 20 US Merchants—Ranked by Purchase Volume

Top 20 US Merchants—Ranked by Purchase Transactions

Largest Merchant Acquirers in the US—Ranked by Mastercard/Visa Volume

Top US Card-Not-Present (CNP) Acquiring

Consumer ACH Transactions–2022

Publicly Traded Companies in Payments