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Alternative Data Risk Score Test

There are 28 million people in the U.S. who have sparse or inactive data files at the top credit bureaus. Too little data exists in these thin files to generate a predictive risk score for a prospective loan product. Another 25 million people have no files at all. FICO is conducting a pilot test with 12 credit card issuers in the U.S. to build bigger data profiles on these 53 million people by using utility bill payment records and public records data from LexisNexis and Equifax. FICO says that opportunities exist to identify up to 15 million individuals from these groups who can be given a...

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April 2015

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Canada Purchase Volume

Canada Market Shares of Purchase Transactions by Brand

Canada General Purpose Cards 2014 vs. 2013

Canada Purchase Volume in Canadian Dollars

Canada General Purpose Credit Card Issuers in 2014, Ranked by Outstandings

Canada Market Shares of Visa & MasterCard Outstandings

U.S. Second 50 Largest Visa & MasterCard Issuers 2014, Ranked by Outstandings