
Mentioned Companies:

Amazon PayCode/Amazon Cash in the U.S.

The U.S. has become the 20th country in which customers of can pay cash over the counter at a Western Union (WU) location for purchases made online using Amazon PayCode. Consumers do not pay a fee for the service. Buyers select Amazon PayCode as a payment option at checkout, where they receive a 9-digit code and a QR code they need when paying at 15,000 U.S. Western Union locations. Payments must be made within 24 hours of an online purchase. If an item needs to be returned, refunds are made at the Western Union location. Separately, Amazon Cash is expanding in the U.S. The...

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September 2019

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Top U.S. Issuers of Visa & Mastercard Credit Cards Based on Spending at Midyear

Investments & Acquisitions—August 2019

U.S. General Purpose Cards Midyear ’19 vs. Midyear ‘18

Market Share of Top 10 Acquirers vs. Remaining 140

Largest 150 Merchant Acquirers Worldwide 2018—Ranked by Transactions

Outstandings & Cards Midyear 2019—U.S. Visa/Mastercard Credit Card Issuers

Volume Midyear 2019—U.S. Visa/Mastercard Credit Card Issuers