
Mentioned Companies:

Amex B2B Payments

American Express has a multiyear strategy to expand its position in business-to-business (B2B) payments through new products and capabilities as well as through acquisitions and partnerships. Its Sync Commercial Card Partner Program is the latest component in its strategy.


Sync will provide software developers and fintechs that serve US-based customers with a suite of APIs that use the latest design principles and enable publishers to manage their integrations with the support of a dedicated account representative. The first APIs will let American Expre...

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July 2023
Headlines in this Issue
Charts in this Issue

Asia-Pacific Global Network Cards—Purchase Transactions 2022 vs. 2021
Spending, Transactions and Cards by Global Brand with change vs. 2021
Asia-Pacific Cards and Transactions—2019 vs. 2022
Top Mastercard and Visa Issuers in MEA—2012 vs. 2022
Top Card Issuers in the Middle East and Africa—2022
Top 50 Credit Card Issuers in MEA—2022
Top 50 Debit Card Issuers in MEA—2022
Publicly Traded Companies in Payments