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Amex Wins Anti-Steering Suit on Appeal

The United States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit on September 26, 2016 reversed a lower U.S. District Court ruling concerning litigation brought by the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) that accused American Express of violating antitrust laws by imposing rules that prohibited merchants from asking Amex cardholders to use credit cards with other brands. The practice is referred to as “steering.” American Express has a provision (Section 3.2) in its Merchant Reference Guide that prohibits steering. Amex calls it a nondiscrimination provision. The Court of Appeals ordered the lower c...

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September 2016
Headlines in this Issue
Charts in this Issue

POS Terminals Shipped Worldwide Market Shares

Largest 150 Acquirers Worldwide 2015

Global Acceptance Locations

Global General Purpose Cards Midyear 2016 vs. Midyear 2015

POS Terminal Shipments by Region 2015

POS Terminal Shipments 2015

mPOS Devices Shipped 2015