
Mentioned Companies:

Astra in the Nilson Report

ASTRA, which provides an automated platform for moving money, has launched a card-to-card instant payment API. Fintech developers can embed debit card-to-debit card transfers in applications without needing their own settlement account or reconciliation operation. Visa and Mastercard cards can be used. Cross River Bank provides payment and banking infrastructure. Sam Morgan is COO at Astra,, Keith Vander Leest is Director of Payments at Cross River,
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January 2022
Headlines in this Issue
Charts in this Issue

Purchase Transactions Projected Worldwide

Five-Year Changes in Market Shares for Purchase Transactions—2021 vs. 2026

Market Shares of Purchase Transactions by Region in 2026

Twenty-Year Growth in Purchase Transactions—2001 through 2021

Visa & Mastercard Worldwide thru 3Q21

M&A Activity in Merchant Processing and Acquiring 2021 by Region

Investments & Acquisitions—December 2021