
Mentioned Companies:

Boku’s Mobile Identity Verification Service

Over the last 10 years, Boku has spent more than $100 million building a network that connects into the back end of more than 180 mobile network operators (MNOs) worldwide. Boku is best known for using those connections to give sellers of digital goods and services the ability to offer their customers direct carrier billing. The Boku platform, which can handle 600 transactions per second, provides the consumer interface that facilitates enrollment of a mobile phone number. Connections to the telecom carriers also provide access to systems that verify a particular phone number. Separate from...

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May 2019
Headlines in this Issue
Charts in this Issue

Global Card Brands in 2018—Ranked by Purchase Transactions

Global Cards in Circulation Credit & Debit 2018

Global General Purpose Cards 2018

Purchase Transactions on Global Cards 2018

Purchases by Card Type 2017 vs. 2018

Global Debit & Prepaid Cards 2018

Global Credit Cards 2018

Consumer ACH Transactions in the U.S. 2018