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EMV Solution for Gas Pumps

Merus Capital, a Silicon Valley-based early-stage venture capital firm, has invested $1 million in Gas Pos to execute a plan for gas pump upgrade technology that independent retailers need to become EMV-compliant. Independent gasoline stations account for 55% to 60% of the 120,000 total outlets in the U.S. EMV regulations call for all gas stations to install chip-reading pumps by October 2020. However, the per-station costs are high. Replacing automated fuel dispensers (AFDs) can cost $25,000 to more than $150,000 for each retail location depending on the number of pumps. Locations owned...

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January 2019

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U.S. General Purpose Cards, Outstandings vs. Purchase Volume

Investments & Acquisitions—December 2018

Projected Growth of Purchase Transactions Worldwide

Outstandings as a Percentage of Purchase Volume on U.S. General Purpose Cards 1990-2018