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EMVCo and 8-digit Issuer ID Numbers

The International Organization for Standardization (ISO) in conjunction with the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) have published an update of the ISO/IEC 7812-1 standard allowing for issuer identification numbers (IINs) to be expanded to 8 digits. Currently, IINs are 6 digits. The IIN forms part of the primary account number (PAN) that links a payment card to an individual account. Some merchants use PANs or IINs to identify a cardholder for services such as loyalty programs. Those merchants might need to update their back-end systems. Point-of-sale terminals may need to be u...

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September 2019
Headlines in this Issue
Charts in this Issue

POS Terminal Shipments Worldwide by Region

Top General Purpose Acquirers in Latin America 2018

Largest Visa/Mastercard Merchant Acquirers in Latin American 2018

Manufacturers of POS Terminals Ranked by Shipments 2018—Market Shares by Region