
Mentioned Companies:

FICO Card Alert Service

Compromised card readers at U.S. ATMs are a growing problem in the U.S. according to data from FICO’s Card Alert Service, whose customers are Cirrus (Mastercard), Plus (Visa), and regional networks including Star and Nyce. FICO has been using a predictive analytics engine to fight debit card fraud for more than a decade. Currently, two-thirds of all debit card transactions executed at U.S. ATMs are monitored. FICO uses its data to pinpoint problem terminals and cards. It says compromised ATMs it monitors grew by 8% in 2017. ATM (and POS) terminals are compromised mostly by Bluetooth-enabl...

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April 2018
Headlines in this Issue
Charts in this Issue

Top Issuers of U.S. Debit Cards, Purchase Volume 2017

Investments & Acquisitions—March 2018

Investments & Acquisitions in Money Transfers Since January 2017

Market Shares of Purchase Volume for Top U.S. Debit Card Issuers 2017

Top 50 Debit Card Issuers Ranked by Purchase Volume Per Card 2017

Top 50 Debit Card Issuers in the U.S. Ranked by Purchase Volume 2017