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Fingerprint EMV Cards in South Africa

An EMV-compliant Mastercard chip card with fingerprint verification capability has been tested by employees of Pick n Pay supermarket in South Africa, and is currently being tested by employees of Absa Bank in that country. At a variety of merchants, fingerprint verification on the test cards has been successful more than 80% of the time. One problem is weather, which can affect fingerprints, making it more difficult for the sensors in the card that capture fingerprints. The same problem exists with fingerprint sensors on smartphones. Absa Bank, a subsidiary of Barclays Bank, believes finge...

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May 2017
Headlines in this Issue
Charts in this Issue

Purchase Transactions on Global Cards in 2016

Investments & Acquisitions – April 2017

U.S. Merchant Card Fees 2016

Global Cards in Circulation Credit & Debit 2016

Global General Purpose Cards 2016 vs. 2015

Purchase Transactions on Global Cards 2016

Purchases by Card Type 2016 vs. 2015

Global Debit & Prepaid Cards

Global Credit Cards