
Mentioned Companies:

Global Brand Card Acceptance Worldwide

Acceptance locations for Visa and Mastercard cardholders worldwide reached 43.3 million at the end of 2015, up 9.3% over 2014. Locations include physical and digital merchant outlets, ATMs, bank branches, and other outlets where cardholders can obtain cash. The strongest growth in 2015 occurred in Asia. Growth in every region was fueled by small merchants using handheld POS devices and tablets as well as card readers (dongles) in smartphones to function as POS terminals. More than 8.0 million dongles were shipped in 2015. UnionPay cardholders had access to the second largest network of acce...

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September 2016
Headlines in this Issue
Charts in this Issue

POS Terminals Shipped Worldwide Market Shares

Largest 150 Acquirers Worldwide 2015

Global Acceptance Locations

Global General Purpose Cards Midyear 2016 vs. Midyear 2015

POS Terminal Shipments by Region 2015

POS Terminal Shipments 2015

mPOS Devices Shipped 2015