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Household Debt and Credit Cards in the US

Credit card outstandings tied to American Express, Discover, Mastercard and Visa brand commercial and consumer card products along with all private label (store, gasoline, medical, etc.) card products reached $1.071 trillion at year-end 2021. This credit card debt figure was compiled by the Nilson Report from its surveys of financial institutions and private label lenders. The number of households in the United States at year-end 2021 totaled 129.9 million, an increase of 1.2% from 2020. This is a calculation of the US Census Bureau. Total US household debt was $17.943 trillion at year-e...

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September 2022
Headlines in this Issue
Charts in this Issue

Top 7 Merchant Acquirers in Latin America 2021 vs. 2020

Top 10 Acquirers of General Purpose Cards in Latin America

45 Largest Merchant Acquirers in Latin America—Ranked by Mastercard and Visa Transactions

US Credit Card Debit and Consumer Credit—1981 through 2021

US Card Debt as a Percentage of Total Household Debt—2007 through 2021

US Debt as a Percentage of Credit—1981 through 2021

Top 10 Issuers of Visa and Mastercard Credit Cards in the US at Midyear 2022

Purchase Volume and Total Volume Midyear 2022—US Mastercard/Visa Credit Card Issuers

Outstandings & Cards Midyear 2022—US Mastercard/Visa Credit Card Issuers

25 Top Issuers of General Purpose Credit Cards in the US