
Mentioned Companies:

Ingenico Payment Processing for Merchant Bots

There are at least 7.22 billion consumer messaging app accounts worldwide on the 10 largest platforms, led by Facebook Messenger (1.10 bil.), WhatsApp (1.10 bil.), WeChat (1.10 bil.), Tencent QQ (0.91 bil.), Viber (0.81 bil.), Instagram (0.60 bil.), Tumblr (0.55 bil.), Line (0.40 bil.), Kik (0.33 bil.), and Twitter (0.32 bil.). Businesses can engage in customer service and commerce on these and other social networks with messaging apps including Sina Weibo, Telegram, Snapchat, Pinterest, Skype, and Slack using a form of artificial intelligence called a chatbot, which engages with consumers who...

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January 2017
Headlines in this Issue
Charts in this Issue

Purchase Volume Worldwide 2015 vs. 2025

Market Shares of Purchase Volume Worldwide

Discover Card U.S. 2016

American Express U.S. 2016

Acquisitions: Mobile Payments and Mobile Money Transfers – 2016

Investments: Mobile Payments and Mobile Money Transfers – 2016