
Mentioned Companies:

JCB QR Code Payments in Asia

JCB cardholders can use their smartphones to scan the QR code displayed at the merchant point of sale to make payments in Japan using the Origami Pay mobile app (see issue #1142). JCB is an investor in Origami. Cardholders in Japan can also make NFC-based Apple Pay contactless mobile payments. Now JCB International has launched an EMV-compliant QR code-based payment service with banks in Taiwan and Vietnam. Contactless payments, including some that are QR code-based, are already used in both countries. Bank SinoPac in Taiwan and Sacombank in Vietnam are the first banks to offer the JCB QR Code...

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January 2019

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U.S. General Purpose Cards, Outstandings vs. Purchase Volume

Investments & Acquisitions—December 2018

Projected Growth of Purchase Transactions Worldwide

Outstandings as a Percentage of Purchase Volume on U.S. General Purpose Cards 1990-2018