
Mentioned Companies:

Multimodal Biometric Authentication Platform

ImageWare Systems has provided biometric authentication services to government agencies in North and South America for 20 years. The company sells its GoVerifyID cloud-based credentials management system and services through partners including Fujitsu, IBM, TransUnion, CA, Deutsche Telekom, and others. Those partners are helping ImageWare offer GoVerifyID to commercial clients, including payment card issuers. GoVerifyID is a software-as-a-service back-end platform that can handle multiple biometric features side by side, including facial, voice, fingerprint, hand geometry, behavioral, retin...

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August 2015
Headlines in this Issue
Charts in this Issue

Purchase Volume Europe 2014

Investments & Acquisitions – July 2015

U.S. General Purpose Cards – Midyear 2015 vs. Midyear 2014

Market Share of Purchase Volume on Cards Issued in Europe 2014

Purchase Transactions on Cards Issued in Europe 2014 vs. 2019

Europe General Purpose Cards 2014 vs. 2013

Largest Credit Card Issuers in Mideast/Africa 2014

Largest Debit Card Issuers in Mideast/Africa 2014

Top General Purpose/Visa/MasterCard Card Issuers in Mideast/Africa 2014