
Mentioned Companies:

Neustar Mobile Fraud Fighting Platform

Sales projections indicate that online shopping from mobile devices will be on a par with desktop devices in five years. With that gain will come a concurrent rise in mobile payment fraud. Protecting against that fraud while maximizing the number of sales approved without triggering any action by a seller’s fraud fighting team is the goal of Neustar Fraud Detection Solutions. The company’s platform, which ties “fingerprints” of mobile devices to personally identifiable information (PII) of the prospective buyer, is currently in use by 2 of the top 10 U.S. financial institutions to assi...

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January 2017
Headlines in this Issue
Charts in this Issue

Purchase Volume Worldwide 2015 vs. 2025

Market Shares of Purchase Volume Worldwide

Discover Card U.S. 2016

American Express U.S. 2016

Acquisitions: Mobile Payments and Mobile Money Transfers – 2016

Investments: Mobile Payments and Mobile Money Transfers – 2016