
Mentioned Companies:

POS Terminal Shipments Worldwide

Manufacturers of point-of-sale terminals shipped 68.8 million devices last year, up 25.2% or 13.9 million units from 2016. That total figure included countertop, multilane, tablet, and handheld terminals with integrated chip and/or magnetic-stripe card readers, as well as PCI DSS-approved chip & PIN devices, approved chip & signature devices, and mPOS devices not connected via a smart mobile device. The tables on pages 10 and 11 do not include smartphones used as POS terminals, peripheral PIN pads, card reader dongles inserted in smartphones or tablets, magnetic-stripe card readers ...

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September 2018
Headlines in this Issue
Charts in this Issue

Top 6 POS Terminal Shipments Worldwide 2017

U.S. General Purpose Cards Midyear 2018 vs. Midyear 2017

Asia–Pacific’s Top General Purpose Acquirers

Asia–Pacific’s Top Acquirers of Web Transactions

Asia–Pacific’s Largest Visa/Mastercard Acquirers

U.S. Visa/Mastercard Credit Card Issuers Volume Midyear 2018

U.S. Visa/Mastercard Credit Card Issuers Outstandings & Cards Midyear 2018

POS Terminal Shipments by Region 2017

46 Largest POS Terminal Shipments Worldwide 2017