
Mentioned Companies:

Priority Merchant Acquiring and B2B Processing

Priority Technology Holdings facilitated over $86 billion in payments in 2019. The company started in 2005 as an independent sales organization processing card payments for small businesses. Today, its Priority Payment Systems division ranks as the 12th largest merchant acquirer in the U.S. and is 5th largest among nonbanks based on over $51 billion in card payment volume from 210,000 merchants. Priority owns companies that specialize in hospitality, healthcare, property management, and consumer lending. Priority Technology Holdings operates a commercial division that provides a business-to...

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June 2020
Headlines in this Issue
Charts in this Issue

Global Network Cards in 2019—Purchase Transactions

Global Network Cards 2019—Purchase Volume by Product

Global Debit and Prepaid Cards 2019

Global Credit Cards 2019

Global Network Cards in Circulation—with Market Shares

Global Network Cards 2019 vs. 2018

Market Share of Purchase Transactions on Global Network Cards

Largest Merchant Acquirers in Middle East and Africa—Ranked by General Purpose Transactions

Merchant Acquirers in Middle East and Africa—Ranked by Visa and Mastercard Transactions