
Mentioned Companies:

Wirecard’s Prepaid and Merchant Acquiring Assets

Germany-based Wirecard AG, provider of prepaid card issuing and account processing services as well as merchant acquiring and POS terminal processing services in more than 20 countries, filed for insolvency in Munich on June 25, 2020. The filing was made by the holding company and did not cover its subsidiaries. Wirecard had loans due on June 30 for $896 million and on July 1 for $560 million. Wirecard is a principal member of Visa and Mastercard in Europe through Wirecard Bank in Germany as well as e-money licensed institutions in the U.K. and Turkey. The bank in Germany holds an estimated...

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June 2020
Headlines in this Issue
Charts in this Issue

Global Network Cards in 2019—Purchase Transactions

Global Network Cards 2019—Purchase Volume by Product

Global Debit and Prepaid Cards 2019

Global Credit Cards 2019

Global Network Cards in Circulation—with Market Shares

Global Network Cards 2019 vs. 2018

Market Share of Purchase Transactions on Global Network Cards

Largest Merchant Acquirers in Middle East and Africa—Ranked by General Purpose Transactions

Merchant Acquirers in Middle East and Africa—Ranked by Visa and Mastercard Transactions