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Push-to-Business Real-Time Payments

Middleware that can create person-to-business (P2B) payments that clear and settle on real-time payment networks in the U.S. is available from AppBrilliance. P2B payments can be in-app, in-store or online. Payments are pushed by the consumer to the seller. Consumers verify every transaction in real time using their mobile phone. They register their credentials once, and subsequent payments are handled on a one-click basis. AppBrilliance gains access to their demand deposit account (DDA) only with permission of the consumer. This occurs only at the time of payment when consumers can also see...

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July 2021
Headlines in this Issue
Charts in this Issue

Asia-Pacific Global Network Cards 2020—Purchase Transactions

Asia-Pacific Spending, Transaction and Cards by Global Brand

Asia-Pacific Market Shares of Purchase Transactions—2008-2020

U.S. Debit Card Issuers—Ranked 51-100

U.S. Merchant Processing Fees—2020

Mergers & Acquisitions and Corporate Financing Transactions—January-June 2021