
Mentioned Companies:

Refunds-as-a-Service from TodayPay

Merchandise returned from ecommerce purchases was valued at more than $210 billion in 2023, and 10% to 13% of that amount was believed to involve fraud. Both returns and related fraud are growing at a rate of nearly double digits annually. The typical refund of a card payment made online involves the merchant reversing the original charge. Debit card customers see their money within three days. Credit card customers won’t see the refund for five to seven days, and sometimes not until their next billing cycle. The expense of a merchandise return, including those that are fraudulent, are...

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February 2024
Headlines in this Issue
Charts in this Issue

Global Network Card Brands in the United States 2023

US General Purpose Credit and Debit Cards with Change vs. 2022

Credit Card Outstandings on US Global Network Cards

Market Shares of Purchase Volume on US General Purpose Cards

General Purpose Credit Cards in the US with Change vs. 2022

US Mastercard and Visa Credit and Debit Cards—Purchase Volume 2003-2023

US Mastercard and Visa Debit and Prepaid Cards

US Mastercard and Visa Credit Debit and Prepaid Cards

History of Mastercard and Visa in the US Purchase Transactions—2016 through 2023

Investments & Acquisitions—January 2024