
Mentioned Companies:

Retail Kiosk that Accepts Currency and Coins

The push to reduce the role of store clerks in the retail industry was well underway before the Covid-19 pandemic attacked humankind. Now, there is a sense of urgency associated with the migration to sales without the need for interaction with a store clerk. Use of contactless cards, which were already gaining acceptance because consumers liked using them, have been booming since Covid-19 hit. Self-service kiosks of all kinds are seeing rapid deployment. Consumers are ordering online as well as using delivery services to avoid interacting with restaurant staff. Mobile ordering is becoming comm...

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July 2020

Articles in this Issue

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Credit Card Debt and Consumer Credit in the U.S.

Credit Card Debt as a Percent of Consumer Credit in the U.S.

Middle East and Africa Spending, Transactions, and Cards by Global Brand

Middle East and Africa Market Shares of Purchase Transactions

Top 10 Mastercard and Visa Issuers in Middle East and Africa 2009 vs. 2019

Top 50 Card Issuers in the Middle East and Africa

Top 50 Credit Card Issuers in the Middle East and Africa

Top 50 Debit Card Issuers in the Middle East and Africa

Purchase Volume for the 20 Largest Visa and Mastercard Consumer Card Port-folios