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Same Day ACH Payments in the United States

There are two operators of automated clearing house (ACH) networks in the United States — FedACH, available through the U.S. Federal Reserve System, and the Electronic Payments Network (EPN), a unit of the Clearing House Payments Company, which is owned by 24 banks that operate in the U.S. Last year, the operators, along with on-us transactions within individual banks, combined to handle more than 24 billion ACH credit and debit transactions valued at $41.600 trillion. FedACH and EPN clear and settle direct payroll deposits, government benefits transfers, automatic bill payments, person-t...

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September 2016
Headlines in this Issue
Charts in this Issue

POS Terminals Shipped Worldwide Market Shares

Largest 150 Acquirers Worldwide 2015

Global Acceptance Locations

Global General Purpose Cards Midyear 2016 vs. Midyear 2015

POS Terminal Shipments by Region 2015

POS Terminal Shipments 2015

mPOS Devices Shipped 2015