
Mentioned Companies:

US General Purpose Card Brands through 3Q 2022

American Express, Discover, Mastercard and Visa credit, debit and prepaid cards issued in the United States combined generated $7.055 trillion in purchase volume for goods and services from January 1 through September 30, 2022. This was an increase of 14.4% compared to the first nine months of 2021. Purchase volume on credit cards was $4.009 trillion, an increase of 22.8%. Credit cards accounted for 56.8% of combined credit and debit card purchase volume, which compared to 52.8% for the same period of 2021. Purchase volume on debit cards increased 5.1% to $3.047 trillion. Debit card purc...

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January 2023
Headlines in this Issue
Charts in this Issue

Global Network Payment Card Transactions Projected Worldwide

Market Shares of Purchase Transactions in 2022 by Region

Purchase Transactions Worldwide Global Brands–Projected through 2027

Ten-Year Growth in Global Brand Purchase Transactions–from 2012–2022

Ten Largest M&A Transactions in 2022

M&A Activity in Merchant Processing and Acquiring–Second Half of 2022

US General Purpose Card Brands through 3Q 2022

Investments & Acquisitions–November 2022