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Virtual Secure Element for Offline CBDC Payments

Protecting the monetary value of funds held in a central bank digital currency (CBDC) wallet on a smartphone requires a trusted application (TA) on the device that prohibits double spending. Hardware-based secure elements (SE) can hold TAs (called applets when on an SE), and most smartphones have embedded SEs. However, applets can be placed on a SE only with participation of the device manufacturer. The European Central Bank, which is interested in issuing a CBDC, recently requested feedback from manufacturers on how to deploy applets on their devices. The payment card industry hit this ...

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August 2024
Headlines in this Issue
Charts in this Issue

Results for US Card Networks at Midyear 2024

US General Purpose Cards Jan. 1–June 30, 2024

US Card Networks at Midyear — Purchase Volume Jan. 1–June 30

Largest US Issuers of Prepaid Cards

Investments & Acquisitions in B2B Payments January 1–July 2024