
Mentioned Companies:

Worldpay IPO on London Stock Exchange

Worldpay sold 900 million shares of common stock at $3.71 (£2.40) on October 16, 2015. The stock began trading on the London Stock Exchange (LSE) under the symbol WPG. The sale raised $3.33 billion (£2.16 bil.). The IPO was the largest in U.K. history. Of that amount, 55.6% went to Boston-based private equity firms Advent International and Bain Capital. Worldpay was a unit of the Royal Bank of Scotland when those private equity firms paid $1.07 billion in loans and cash for it in 2010. Worldpay provides payment card acceptance services to merchants around the world. It processes about 31 ...

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October 2015
Headlines in this Issue
Charts in this Issue

Payment Cards in the U.S. – Purchase Volume and Market Shares

Market Capitalization of Publicly Traded Processors

U.S. Payment Cards Projected – Purchase Volume

U.S. Payment Cards Projected – Purchase Transactions

U.S. Credit Card Purchase Volume – Market Shares 2009 – 2019

U.S. Credit Cards Projected – Outstandings 2014 – 2019

U.S. Debit Cards Purchase Volume – Market Shares 2009 – 2019

U.S. Payment Cards Projected – Cardholders

U.S. Payment Cards Projected – Cards

U.S. Payment Cards Projected – Accounts

U.S. Payment Cards Projected – Total Volume

U.S. Payment Cards Projected – Total Transactions