
Issue 1111

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June 2017
Featured Chart

Top Issuers of Commercial Cards in the U.S.

The largest U.S. issuers of commercial card products – purchasing, corporate (T&E), fleet, small business credit and debit, and prepaid – are ranked on pages 7, 8, and 9 based on purchase volume in 2016.

Featured Companies



Top Issuers of Commercial Cards in the U.S. 2016 – Ranked by Purchase Volume

Investments & Acquisitions – May 2017

U.S. Visa & Mastercard Commercial Card Issuers 2016

Small Business Credit Cards 2016

Commercial Fleet Cards 2016

Commercial Purchasing Cards 2016

Small Business Commercial Debit Cards 2016

Prepaid Commercial Cards 2016

Commercial Corporate Cards 2016

Largest Credit Card Issuers in Europe 2016

Largest Debit Card Issuers in Europe 2016

Top General Purpose/Visa/Mastercard Card Issuers in Europe 2016


Largest Credit Card Issuers in Europe 2016

Europe´s 50 largest credit card issuers based on purchase volume generated in 2016 are ranked on page 10.

BPCE, France
$105.32 billion purchase volume
CartaSi, Italy
$47.98 billion purchase volume
BNP Paribas, France
$47.64 billion purchase volume
Barclays, United Kingdom
$45.03 billion purchase volume
HSBC, United Kingdom
$41.53 billion purchase volume

Full access to the Largest Credit Card Issuers in Europe 2016 results is available when you subscribe to The Nilson Report.

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