
Issue 1141

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October 2018
Featured Chart

Payment Cards in the U.S.-Purchase Volume

Credit, debit, and prepaid cards issued in the U.S. generated $6.616 trillion in pur-chase volume in 2017. That figure will rise to $9.313 trillion by 2022.

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Payment Cards in the U.S.—Purchase Volume in 2017 vs. 2022

U.S. Credit and Debit Purchase Volume Projected

U.S. Credit and Debit Purchase Transactions Projected

U.S. Credit Card Purchase Volume Market Shares

U.S. Credit Card Outstandings

U.S. Debit Card Purchase Volume Market Shares

U.S. Credit and Debit Cards Cardholders Projected

U.S. Credit and Debit Cards Projected

U.S. Credit and Debit Cards Accounts Projected

U.S. Credit and Debit Cards Total Volume Projected

U.S. credit and Debit Cards Total Transactions Projected


U.S. Credit Card Outstandings

Outstanding receivables tied to credit cards issued in the U.S. reached $1.062 trillion in 2017. Outstandings tied to U.S. credit cards will grow to $1.322 trillion by 2022.

1. Visa
2017—$453.45 bil./ 2022—$543.68 bil.
2. Mastercard
2017—$291.72 bil./ 2022—$363.40 bil.
3. Store
2017—$118.78 bil./ 2022—$145.34 bil.
4. American Express
2017—$110.75 bil./ 2022—$153.14 bil.
5. Discover
2017—$67.30 bil./ 2022—$91.56 bil.

Full access to the U.S. Credit Card Outstandings table is available when you subscribe to The Nilson Report.

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