
Mentioned Companies:

Loyalty on the Blockchain

All companies that issue reward points as part of their loyalty programs deal with the same problem—most recipients never accumulate enough points to earn an award. The value of unredeemed reward points exceeds hundreds of billions of dollars worldwide. A related problem is that those consumers become reluctant to join any new rewards program because the benefits of loyalty have never been reinforced. Switzerland-based Qiibee believes a solution to both problems is to offer reward points that can be redeemed for cryptocurrency. The company offers a protocol that brands can use to issue re...

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October 2018
Headlines in this Issue
Charts in this Issue

Payment Cards in the U.S.—Purchase Volume in 2017 vs. 2022

U.S. Credit and Debit Purchase Volume Projected

U.S. Credit and Debit Purchase Transactions Projected

U.S. Credit Card Purchase Volume Market Shares

U.S. Credit Card Outstandings

U.S. Debit Card Purchase Volume Market Shares

U.S. Credit and Debit Cards Cardholders Projected

U.S. Credit and Debit Cards Projected

U.S. Credit and Debit Cards Accounts Projected

U.S. Credit and Debit Cards Total Volume Projected

U.S. credit and Debit Cards Total Transactions Projected