
Issue 1162

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October 2019
Featured Chart

Payment Cards in Circulation Worldwide-Projected

There were 22.11 billion credit, debit, and prepaid cards in circulation worldwide on December 31, 2018. This included global brand and domestic-only general purpose brands. There will be 29.31 billion within five years.

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Payment Cards in Circulation Worldwide—Projected

Top Issuers of General Purpose Credit Cards in the U.S. Midyear 2019

mPOS Devices Shipped 2018

Largest Credit Card Issuers in Latin America

Largest Debit Card Issuers in Latin America

Top General Purpose/Visa/Mastercard Card Issuers in Latin America

Acceptance Locations for Global Brands


Top General Purpose/Visa/Mastercard Card Issuers in Latin America

The five largest payment card issuers in the Latin America and Caribbean region are listed here. The 50 largest appear on page 11 of our current issue.

1. Itau Unibanco, Brazil
$126.43 billion general purpose volume
2. Banco Bradesco, Brazil
$81.71 billion general purpose volume
3. Bando do Brasil, Brazil
$67.72 billion general purpose volume
4. Banco Santander, Brazil
$55.92 billion general purpose volume
5. Caixa Economica Federal, Brazil
$49.48 billion general purpose volume

Full access to the Top General Purpose/Visa/Mastercard Card Issuers in Latin America results is available when you subscribe to The Nilson Report.

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